Wednesday, October 15, 2014

HONEYMOONERS: Puerto Prinsesa at Grace Park Tourist Inn

Every Wedding has a promise of a great ever after and of course a great Honeymoon Vacation!
Dada’s sister Cherry recently got wed and decided to tag us along on their Honeymoon Vacation. Hehehe!
Wedding Invites

Well, Dada was the one who arranged the trip to Puerto Prinsesa, Palawan and created our itinerary.
We have booked our flight with Cebu Pacific but since we got there 1 hour before the take-off we were no longer allowed to check in. What a start right?!

Dada staring far away from us

Mark was the one taking the picture
FU Cebu Pac!!! They were offering us double the price of what we initially paid for to rebook our flight and since we are on a budget we just decided to take a later flight with Philippine Airlines (
(PAL rates were 50% cheaper, so there you have it Ladies and Gentlemen, we flew with Philippine Airlines)
PAL Newly bought tickets
Now, the four of us still remained positive despite the turnout of our flight and still pushed thru.

We had arranged our stay with Grace Park Tourist Inn which is literally 5 minutes away from Puerto Prinsesa Airport. They were kind enough to contact us and asked for our flight schedule since we were late against scheduled and also they did not require any down payment for our rooms so I guess they really wanted to get the confirmation if we are pushing thru or not after all they also fixed some flowers onto the newlyweds room for no additional cost, so it’s really going to be sad and bad for their business if we  didn’t show up right?! We think that the owners are Christians so that explains why they are oh-so-nice.
The Grand Entrance of Grace Park
Grace Park Tourist Inn has a pool and offered free breakfast, free pick up and drop off from the airport for Php 1500/night. ( That’s the deal. :)
Honeymoon Suite
When we landed to Puerto Prinsesa it was already dark, so we need to cancel out our itinerary for the day which is the land tour. Well, we were also starving so after surprising Cherry and Mark with their honeymoon suite we called off a tricycle and asked for the best place where we can eat dinner. We were recommended by Manong Driver a lot of choices but ended up choosing the “Paluto” type restaurant near the bay. Yup, Puerto Prinsesa has this al-fresco dining near the bay with different food stalls and fresh catch.

We ordered some fish, baby lobsters, squid to pack our hungry stomachs and was only charged Php 1,100. One thing I noticed in Puerto Prinsesa is that they are not overpriced. I mean when I bought some cigs, a single stick is Php 3.00 same price as our well-patronized Sari-Sari Store.

After dinner, we went back to the hotel and rested until the following morning.

Early morning, after serving breakfast, the reception called for us and told us that the van transport for our Island Tour has arrived. We were all excited as this is where we will truly experience how great the Island was and it did not disappoint us. Puerto Prinsesa is really blessed with great sea water.
We were in the van with a couple more tourists, some are couples, while some are travelling as family (with kids). It may seemed awkward but it’s not. The host inside the van made sure that everyone was comfortable. He threw some jokes that the rest of us responded cheerfully. We were able to bond with the others when we were in the banca and during lunch time. The Island Tour took the whole day so Lunch is already inclusive of the fee. Lunch was served in one of the Islands too.
Cowrie Island

Luli Island

Our favorite :) Starfish Island

We enjoyed snorkeling so much. Fish feeding and of course the historical story of each  island.

Mark's feeding the fish
Puerto Prinsesa is one place that we can affirm how well their sea water is well taken cared of. It was really well preserved. The town is clean, the locals are nice and it was really a great experience not just for Dada and I but also for the newlyweds, Mark & Cherry.

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