Saturday, July 12, 2014

Our Mishaps in Boracay

Last year for my birthday celebration, Dada and I decided to go to Boracay.
We got some cheap airfare rates from CebuPac and thought of going there.
It was actually our first time.

Frankly, Boracay never interest me. I guess I didn’t find it enticing. It seemed to me that it is like your usual City in A Sand.
Nightlife, all that establishments.. yada..

Anyways, despite the gloomy weather here in Manila we did proceed as planned.
We were able to find an affordable hotel in Station 1, Bluewaves Beach Resort and stayed in there standard room located at the ground floor.


It was a small room with basic amenities though the consolation you will get is that the room is facing the beach. (literally, few steps from the room is the beach), so it was a-ok especially for your naughty one who loves to build sand castles.  

Our Room

Mimi's Breakfast Day One
Dada's Breakfast Day One

So what we thought just a gloomy weather turned into a Typhoon and that’s the worse right?! Especially if you are someone who would like to enjoy the beach.

Station 1, Boracay
Now, to compromise our inability to enjoy our planned water activities, we just went to ‘D Talipapa wearing our 100-peso worth raincoats.
We were amused by all the different seafood that you can buy and eat there. From prawns to lobsters, clams to oysters and different sort of fish.
So we bought our seafood and went to one of the “paluto” restaurants there and tried their cuisine which I forgot what it’s called but it starts with “T” and it’s shrimp with coconut milk and cheese. It was really delish!

1/4 Shrimps and 1/4 Crabs

 Loved how the shrimp tasted, no after taste from the head. The squid is really sweet and we just can’t stop. So for our entire stay we have been eating at ‘D Talipapa. Cost per dine in was about Php 1,000 for Dada and Mimi inclusive of the paluto and our seafood.

Note that they only accept ½ kilo for the paluto so what we did was we combined our prawns and crab together and have them cooked at the same time. Seafood is so fresh and price is really affordable.
The "T" cuisine. ( I think its Timda... somethin')

Now, our trip is not entirely bad, we managed to try “Helmet Diving”, ATV, and visited the Trick Art Museum on our last day when the sun got back up again, but of course it was not as what we have really planned doing in the island.
Helmet Diving


Our Boracay experience had been somewhat pleasant but not really something we enjoyed. I was kind of sad to see how polluted it became. There were also beggars along the beach walk which I think should have been managed by the authorities, and being in the island itself is pricey.

Dada created this for me. :)
I think this was one of our pricey trips that we failed to enjoy truly. I guess we can come back next time and see how it goes. :)

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