Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Budget Plan | El Nido

Every year Dada & I try hard to save up a little for our yearly vacation. It is usually a way for us to celebrate either of our birthdays and/or a little reward we give ourselves for being able to put up with this crazy world. LOL! This year we chose to invade El NIdo, Palawan.

Now, if you were one of those few who had read some parts of our blog page you would know how thrifty we can get, well still in the sense that we do not compromise comfort and a little-so-luxury, after all to us that’s what vacation is all about. A little zest of luxury, comfort, enjoyment and at the same time tries hard not to be ripped off by overrated price.

For today, I will share to everyone our vacation cost excluding the discounted airfare tickets that Dada bought early this year:

Tip: Better bring extra amount of cash whenever you are travelling, you will never know when you will actually need it at the same time have self-control on where to use the extra funds <- hard part LOL!

Well to us being able to plan the how, where and what early on makes any vacation trip less wearisome. Let's talk about this and our actual El Nido trip after November. So wait for it. :)

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